emily pattullo ​
Go within to find the sea
In the pulsing depths of your emotions,
Find the calm and reside there.
Go within to find the trees
In the unyielding strength of your roots,
Stand brave with purpose.
Go within to find the flowers
In the soft intimacy of a kind word,
The grateful bow of your head.
Go within to find the birds
In the joy of existence,
The resonance of your voice.
Go within to find the sky
A vast blank canvas on which to place your dreams.
Write. Draw. Imagine.
Take a look at your life right now and explore in detail what might be holding you back.
Face your greatest nemesis and realise your true potential.
Challenge yourself to be better in this integrative process that walks you through the stages of growth and expansion.
You are the creator of your own life experience – so start creating!
Includes additional exercises that invite you to go within and feel for the answers.​
Rebellious and unmanageable, Rosie is forced to move to the countryside with her family to escape the temptations of London life. But her propensity for trouble is not confined to the city, and Rosie is soon kidnapped by child traffickers and taken back to London, along with many other children that have been shipped into the country from abroad. Rosie faces prostitution, the plight of others much worse off than her, as well as her own demons, and it will take the determination and cunning of her brother Ted and student journalist Martha to find her before it's too late.​
Four friends.
One tragic death.
20 years of secrets and lies.
One wintery night, when they are young, Anna and her three friends Rudy, Seth, and Dougal are involved in an accident in which a stranger is killed – that night it snows heavily, covering everything up. They agree to keep it a secret, but then one of them is accused of murder and sent to prison.
Twenty years later, Anna and her friends are thrown together again following a funeral, and this time Anna is forced to finally look at what actually happened all those years ago. Anna’s recollection, however, is not what her friends remember.
Could she really have been mistaken about what happened?
Will digging up the past reveal a truth she would rather not know?
And what will it mean to her carefully constructed life if the last 20 years has been nothing more than a lie?